Tuesday, May 4, 2010

What is The Children's Blizzard?

The Children's Blizzard was a harsh, unexpected
winter storm that happened on January, 12,
1888. It is called the Children's Blizzard
because it hit so randomly, trapping many
children in one-room schoolhouses.This storm
is also sometimes called the Schoolhouse Blizzard.
It hit the American Plains the strongest.The reason
that the storm was so deadly was mainly because it
hit during work and school hours. Also it was very
warm before it actually hit. Approximately 500
people died that day from hypothermia and thousands
were stranded at work or school.

1 comment:

  1. i found a story a teacher in the storm told.
    Lois Royce found herself trapped with three of her students in her schoolhouse. By 3 p.m., they had run out of heating fuel. Her boarding house was only 82 yards away, so she attempted to lead the children there. However, visibility was so poor that they became lost and all the children froze to death. The teacher survived, but her feet were frostbitten and had to be amputated.
